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 Set the maximum number of DBV files to be in use concurrently


    V_FILES( [<nMaxFiles>] )    ->    nCurrentMax


    <nMaxFiles> is the maximum number of DBV type files that can be in
    V_USE() concurrently. If none is specified, V_FILES() will simply
    return the current setting.


    V_FILES() returns the current setting of the maximum file count.


    V_FILES() offers the programmer the opportunity to set the maximum
    number of files that the program will have in use at any one time.
    This feature allows FlexFile to keep the memory used for the file
    headers in a contiguous block which avoids memory fragmentation.

    Each file requires 84 bytes for the header information. Therefore,
    multiply the <nMaxFiles> by 84 in order to calculate the total
    memory requirement for the files opened in your system.


  . The maximum number of files cannot be changed unless all DBV files are

  . This function is independent of the V_BUFFERS() setting.


    // Set FlexFile's maximum file count to 2 files

    V_USE( "file1" )         // Open first file.
    V_USE( "file2", ,"NEW" ) // Open second file
                             // in a new area.

    // Attempt to open a third file in a new area fails.
    IF V_USE( "file3", ,"NEW" ) == -1
       ? "Too many files in use."
       ? V_ERROR()        // Result: 8001

    // This line has no effect because files are open.

    ? V_FILES()           // Result: 2

See Also: V_BUFFERS() V_USE()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson